Boo my first closing shift in ages but it went pretty quickly. I kept busy all day working with alot of the merchandising specialist responsibilities now that Tyler has to deal with the supervisor side of his logistics promotion.

It seems that anyone with position seems to think the Visual Merchandising position is going to be disappearing since Tyler vacated it, and that’s a sad thing. I really would have like taking that position and I would have fought for it like no other. When I talked to my GM about the whole ordeal she said that even if it technically is getting dismissed she’s probably going to still fill that position even if it’s not a true promotion with pay increase. Like a dope I told her I would take it if it meant I could be gearing for a supervisor/management position.

Truth is I’m not even sure I want to take a management position. I like to get things done but I like to be the one getting it done. I don’t do so well at guiding others. I’ve got to be in the action getting my hands dirty to feel like I’ve gotten everything I want done. But it was nice to take a break from my promotions gig to do some of the merchandising gig today. It felt good, like when I used to be the Women’s department lead years ago. Jess was talking like I’d be helping out with it alot more in the near future too as well as Andrea. So that’s definitely a good thing to add under my belt. I’ll definitely be a busy person and that’s the way I should be. I just wish it would vanquish my pay cap and validate me a raise of some sort. That cap is so frustrating.

Now onto my flip-flops. Yes flip-flops! And I don’t mean the nice ones that will last for years and years. I’m talking about the main ones we sell.

I know these little guys are cheap and come in so many different colors to match any kind of wardrobe, but it still boggles me that people wear and buy these things in bulk. When I spend money on shoes I like know that I can have them for years and that they’re going to be comfortable. These things are like wearing pieces of cork strapped to your feet, or at least I would imagine them to be if I were to ever be brave/stupid enough to wear them.

They just get all groddy and nasty as they get wore and your foot/toe impressions dig into it with dirt highlights. The perfect way to impress the date is to slip out of your generic flip-flop to highlight the nastiness they incure in only a couple of weeks of wear. I mean I know they’re cheap and versatile but by gosh it would seem comfort and style would mean something before getting these things. I rang out a few customers today and they were buying them in droves. Good for business and believe me I’m not complaining about that but omg it boggles me that they’re so popular.

I tried out a pair once just to see what the big deal was. I bought a brown pair and proceeded to try to wear them around the house. It was like a thick piece of cardboard on my feet and the thong between my toes was killing me. I ended up tossing them. And so I guess I’ll just never see the appeal of these things. I guess I’ll stick to my slides and enjoy their comfort and versatility. All hail the flip-flop!